The Key of Happy Life | E-book

/The Key of Happy Life | E-book

The Key of Happy Life | E-book


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Product Description

This is the electronic book version in PDF format.

This book helps to understand that without the everyday use of the principles of the Key of Happy Life, no practice or technique can lead you to fulfilment and peace. The book opens the possibility for everyone to discover the Key of Happy Life in their heart and unlock their path to Happiness.

The book „The Key of Happy Life“ by Robertas Karvauskas, the founder of the School of Consciousness „Gyvenimo rytas“ (The Morning of Life), is a unique complex of theoretical knowledge and practices that allows a person to fundamentally change his/her life. To forget what stress, anxiety, illnesses, misfortunes are, and to enjoy a full life where inner peace, confidence, gratitude, and enthusiasm prevail. A consistent, harmonious, reasoned system of knowledge was born in the author’s heart and mind after long searches for the real truth; information is based on personal experience, is verified in actual practice.

With this book, the author of the book, Robertas Karvauskas, wants to convey a very important message to the readers, without having which he himself almost ruined his life and now clearly sees how many people do the same:  Without the Key of Happy Life, any practice in life becomes ineffective or even destructive, any path leads to monotony and stalemate, leads to crisis. Unless the Key of Happy Life becomes the essence of your daily routine, your life will not lead you to peace and fulfilment. Without the Key of Happy Life, human is not born for real life. He only exists on the road to death.
Now it may seem to you that I give too much importance to myself. But this knowledge is not from me. How can a pencil with which the poet wrote the poem, be proud of itself? I only convey what has been opened to me and instructed to convey. Will you embrace that? Are you ready to be born for real life? Look for answers in your heart…

Jurgis Brėdikis, the most famous Lithuanian cardiac surgeon, academician, former Minister of Health of Lithuania, was the first to notice and apply the influence of spiritual attitudes on human energy, heart work, and health in medical treatment. Here is his review: “The book „The Key of Happy Life“ reached both my heart and mind. When reading, you feel the author’s great experience, which confirms the main statements of his system which leads to happy life: trust and surrender to the Creator, conscious relaxation in silence, meditation, prayer, service to others and to the world, gratitude, smile, and posture. The essential thing is that all statements/principles are based on the aspect of conservation and accumulation of free (vital) energy. The author writes in an excellent, easy style, so the book is easy to read, he managed to convey to the reader the not-so-easy-to-describe states. This is a go-to book for everyone and every day. It would be especially great if those who’s life is still ahead of them would get to know this system.

Give yourself a GIFT – you YOURSELF

The book “The Key of Happy Life” is the key that lives in me…

I Am.

This book is a great gift for the upcoming holidays.
It is the best gift for someone you love!

If you care at least a little about that person, give them a chance to live.
A true friend is not the one who gives you a fish but the one who teaches you to fish.
You can give a cute, beautiful, useful thing to a person, and he/she will be grateful and satisfied for a while.
Or you can give them the Key of Happy Life, and he/she, by unlocking his/her heart, will find all the gifts of life, will find HAPPINESS, will find himself/herself.
He/she will find the source from which he/she will be filled with Love, Joy, Light… Blessed Abundance… Health of Body and Soul.
Not from poverty, but from abundance within, they will share with others…

With a grateful heart, will celebrate the Gift of Life.


Content and preface